File a police report online Link
Register your security camera(s) Link
Evidence Release Form PDF
Do you have property that is stored at the tribal police department? If so, you may request to retrieve it. The property could have been seized for evidence or safekeeping. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. Submit the form at the lobby of the tribal police department. The evidence technician will contact you.
Public Disclosure Request Form PDF
Would you like a copy of a police report or other documents? If so, you may request to obtain a copy. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. While in the police department lobby, ask the dispatcher for the incident number associated with the case. Submit the form in the lobby of the tribal police department. A records clerk will contact you.
State Anti-Harassment Order PDF
Has a person caused you to fear for your safety? Anti-harassment orders are typically used for matters NOT pertaining to domestic violence. This usually involves neighbor disputes, problems in the workplace, or business relationships. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. Submit the form at your local state courthouse (e.g. Okanogan, Ferry).
*State orders are valid and recognized by all police departments. It is recommended that you submit a state order even if you are a tribal member. There are some outside agencies that choose to not enforce tribal orders. Colville Tribal Police Officers will fully recognize and enforce state orders on and off of the reservation.
State Domestic Violence No Contact Order PDF
Has a person caused you to fear for your safety? Domestic Violence No Contact Orders are typically used for matters pertaining to intimate partner violence. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. Submit the form at your local state courthouse (e.g. Okanogan, Ferry).
Tribal Anti-Harassment Order PDF
Has a person caused you to fear for your safety? Anti-harassment orders are typically used for matters NOT pertaining to domestic violence. This usually involves neighbor disputes, problems in the workplace, or business relationships. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. Submit the form at the tribal courthouse in Nespelem, WA.
Tribal Domestic Violence No Contact Order PDF
Has a person caused you to fear for your safety? Domestic Violence No Contact Orders are typically used for matters pertaining to intimate partner violence. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. Submit the form at the tribal courthouse in Nespelem, WA.
Tribal Civil Order Petition PDF
Do you have a civil matter that needs to be addressed? Civil matters typically involve business transactions, parenting plans, and property rights claims. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. Submit the form at the tribal courthouse in Nespelem, WA.
Public Gathering Permit PDF
Would you like to plan an event within the boundaries of the reservation? If so, a public gathering permit is required. Print out this form. Fill it out legibly. Submit the form in the lobby of the police department. A permit will be issued where applicable.
Written Statement PDF
Would you like to submit a written statement about any criminal matter? A written statement is legal documentation that can be collected by law enforcement to show your side of the story. Written statements are useful in the legal process.